Staying in Your Heart - Episode 167
Living in Grace
Hi there I'm Terces and I want to welcome you to the Unreasonably Grateful podcast. The byline of this is Living in Grace by Choice. So it's kind of perfect because I want to share with you a tip for how we keep our heart open and stay out of any mental loop that's distracting us or trying to take us down so we can actually live in Grace.
First of all welcome. Some of you have been with me for a while. It means so much when someone tells me, "I listened to your podcast, it was so great.” It's amazing, and it's awesome because I too have my own doubts. I often wonder if this is helpful and if people are enjoying it. Is this podcast meaningful? I have those same thoughts too. So when I hear from you, it just reminds me that sharing our stories can be valuable and that we learn from one another's stories.
Sharing Stories
While I don't have your answers, often times when we can see something in somebody else's life, that makes it easier for us to see something about ourselves, something that perhaps we haven't seen in that same way before and it gives us an insight or helps us see a lesson and move along our own path a little bit further.
I Like to think that we're all on this path together and it's really wonderful to be able to hold hands with somebody and encourage each other along the way. So If you're new, welcome! It's great to have you here. And if you've been with here for a while, thank you. I am so grateful that you're a part of my journey and I'm a part of yours. And I don't take that for granted.
Big Love
We're in a series now that's kind of under the broad spectrum of love and I'm not talking about, romantic love or even familial love but more so, big love, the "Agape" Love, the unceasing flow of energy that flows in us and through us and around us to the degree that we can get out of the way.
So this week, I had the opportunity to speak to a few people, which is a reminder that I do individual sessions on Tuesdays and you can sign up here if you're interested. It's on a donation basis.
I love that I'm getting to know some of you a little bit more personally, going a little bit more in-depth, and just sharing with you what I see and how amazing, beautiful, and incredible I think you are. And sometimes that'll help you see your own beauty and the perfection of you which is a honor to sit and witness.
Mental Loops
So anyway, I was talking to a few people who were really stuck in mental loops and they just couldn't get out and might even not have been able to sleep. Well, they were just kind of trapped in this sort of doom and gloom experience. And usually, those mental loops take us to the past in some sort of regret or remorse or they jump us into the future in some fear or expectation.
I want to share with you a really simple little tip or tool that I utilize when I recognize that I'm trapped in my own mental cage. Really, That's what it feels like. It feels like being stuck in a hamster wheel.
So here's the tip, every day without fail, do something kind, something nice, something thoughtful, or something generous for someone else.
Do something unexpected, undeserved, or unearned just for the heck of it. What you'll find is that you're looking for the opportunity of who that is, when that is, where it is, and what it is, and it's such a beautiful and powerful way to support us in staying in the present.
Staying In Your Heart
This practice also develops you as a kind, thoughtful, and generous person. You'll find that it's a very simple way to shift from your mind, from your head in this very small little journey, to your heart.
It's a wonderful practice, so take that on this week. Do it every day, for seven days, and then keep it going after that. Find someone to do something unexpectedly kind for and notice the benefit that it is for you as well. Ok have a beautiful week and I'll see you next week